Moss for the aquarium

Various mosses with or without base

You will find various types of moss that are a perfect addition to the aquarium. For example, we supply moss on a wooden base, or as an individual plant.

Vesicularia on a wooden board

Vesicularia, or Java moss, grown on a wooden board easily stays in place. Ideal for the foreground of the aquarium.

Javamoss on coconut

A coconut overgrown with Java moss looks great in the foreground of the aquarium and serves as a hiding or breeding place for aquarium animals. Java moss absorbs waste products.

Moss balls

Chladophlora is also known as moss bulb. The little plant thrives in both warm and cold water and adapts easily. The Chladophlora is an oxygen plant. We also supply the moss balls in a variety of decorative pond vases.

Mosses in in vitro cups

The mosses in-vitro-cups are grown under highly controlled conditions. Therefore, these mosses are ideal for aquascaping or fragile aquarium animals, but these mosses also feel at home in an ordinary aquarium.

Do you have any questions about our in vitro cups? Feel free to let us know. For more mosses, visit